WDS 08447-2126 HDS 1260 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HDS1260 AB + TOK 395: Like WDS 08021-1710, the late-type nearby binary HDS
1260 was discovered by Hipparcos and is expected to move rapidly (HIP
42910, BD-20 2665). It was targeted at SOAR for the first time. To our
surprise, the object turned out to be a resolved triple, with the
secondary being a 0".16 pair of equal stars. Hipparcos failed to
recognize the triple nature of this star. The estimated period of BC
is 15yr. The outer pair AB has closed from 0".8 to 0".5 and moved in
position angle since its discovery. The separations between components
are comparable, so this triple system may be interesting dynamically. Tok2015c
refcode metd author reference
Hor2021b S Horch, E.P., Broderick, K.G., Casetti-Dinescu, D.I., Henry, T.J., Fekel, F.C., 2021AJ....161..295H
Hor2021b Mutterspaugh, M.W., Willmarth, D.W., Winters, J.G., van Belle, G.T., Clark, C.A. &
Hor2021b Everett, M.E.
Hor2021b AJ 161, 295, 2021
Tok2015c orb+j Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Mendez, R.A., & Horch, E.P. 2015AJ....150...50T
Tok2015c +St AJ 150, 50, 2015 (some measures corrected in Tok2017b) 2017AJ....154..110T
idgroup discov author
1 HDS Hipparcos Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2014 3 183 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V 084441.00-212548.0
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2015 5 176 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V 084441.00-212548.0
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2016 9 167 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V N 084441.00-212548.0
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2018 10 160 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V N 084441.00-212548.0
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2019 14 148 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V N 084441.00-212548.0
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2020 15 143 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V N 084441.00-212548.0
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2021 16 138 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V NO 084441.00-212548.0
08447-2126 HDS1260 AB 2023 19 136 0.5 10.31 13.83 K7V NO 084441.00-212548.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.