WDS 07384+3644 LMP 5 AD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LMP 5 AC: Due to the large proper motion of the primary, a 1964 measure of Pws1993
the AB pair was incorrectly identified as a new component and labelled
refcode metd author reference
Pws1993 Pa - Pauwels, T. & Lampens, P. 1993BAORB..10..216P
Pws1993 Bull. R. Astron. Obs. Belgium 10, 216, 1993
idgroup discov author
1 HZG Hertzsprung, E.
26 LMP Lampens, P. & Strigachev, A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07384+3644 LMP 5 AD 1964 1 28 111.6 10.22 10.50 K5 073823.01+364134.1
07384+3644 LMP 5 AD 1998 5 21 138.1 10.22 10.57 K5 N D 073823.00+364134.3
07384+3644 LMP 5 AD 2012 8 19 149.2 10.22 10.57 K5 N D 073823.00+364134.3

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