WDS 07081+7341 PRZ 7 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Prz1908 Ma - Przbyllok, E. 1908VeHei...5....1P
Prz1908 Veroff. Sternw. Heidelberg 5, 1, 1908
Prz1926 Ma - Przbyllok, E., Labitzke, P., & Meier, P. .
Prz1926 +Po Beob. Sternw. Koenigsberg #44, 1926
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07081+7341 PRZ 7 1999 7 188 4.6 10.22 10.53 F0 D 070805.11+734116.7
07081+7341 PRZ 7 2004 8 189 4.5 10.22 10.53 F0 D 070805.11+734116.7
07081+7341 PRZ 7 2017 9 190 4.5 10.22 10.53 F0 070805.11+734116.7
07081+7341 PRZ 7 2019 12 190 4.5 10.22 10.53 F0 V 070805.11+734116.7

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