WDS 06410+0954 STF 950 AD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STF 950 A is an irregular variable, S Mon.
While not as complex as STF 484/485, a similar method clarified
numerous ambiguities. CHR 168Aa,Ab; STF 950AB; AC; AD; AE; AF; AK; FG;
and D 11Ea,Eb are all unchanged.
STF 950AS ---> STF 950AO
D 11Eb ---> D 11EH
JRN 31Ec ---> JRN 31EI
JRN 31Ed ---> JRN 31EJ
STF 950FS ---> STF 950FO
STF 950GS ---> STF 950GO
STF 950 ---> STF 950AH (formerly STF 950A to D 11b)
STF 950 ---> STF 950AM (formerly STF 950A to STF 952A)
STF 952AB ---> STF 952MN
DOB 7AC ---> STF 950MK
DOB 7BC ---> STF 950NK
JRN 30CD ---> STF 950KD
JRN 30CE ---> JRN 30KL
Note that the WDS coordinate for STF 952 (as well as other
associated pairs) has been changed to that of STF 950.
CHR 168 A component is an irregular variable, S Mon. See Gies (1993) for Gie1993
classification of the speckle companion. The spectroscopic orbit and
current periastron passage of Aa are discussed by Gies (1997). Gie1997
The B component was observed and appeared to be single.
Classifications of the B, C, D,and E components are from Hoffleit & Hof1991
Warren (1991), who list the E component as a close pair. Msn1998a
Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and
spectroscopic masses 3.58 +/- 1.59, 17.32, 38.90 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012
Distance to NGC 2264 is 719(+22-21) pc, yielding a mass sum of MzA2019b
45.1(+3.6-3.3) \msun.
STF 950 AC: H 3 46. MEv2010
JRN 31 AJ: Also known as SMR 9AR.
JRN 31 AI: Also known as SMR 9AS.
JRN 31 JI: Also known as SMR 9RS.
JRN 30 AL: Also known as SMR 9AQ.
refcode metd author reference
Gie1993 Sc - Gies, D.R., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., McAlister, H.A., Frazin, R.A., Hahula, 1993AJ....106.2072G
Gie1993 M.E., Penny, L.R., Thaller, M.L., et al.
Gie1993 AJ 106, 2072, 1993
Gie1997 Hf j Gies, D.R., Mason, B.D., Bagnuolo, W.G. Jr., Hahula, M.E., Hartkopf, W.I., 1997ApJ...475L..49G
Gie1997 +orb McAlister, H.A., Thaller, M.L., McKibben, W.P., & Penny, L.R.
Gie1997 ApJL 475, 49, 1997
Hof1991 - Hoffleit, D. & Jaschek, C. 1991bsc..book.....H
Hof1991 The Bright Star Catalogue, Fifth Revised Edition (preliminary version), 1991
MEv2010 - MacEvoy, B. ...................
MEv2010 private communication, 2010 (see http://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/index.html)
Mlk2012 not - Malkov, O.Yu., Tamazian, V.S., Docobo, J.A., & Chulkov, D.A. 2012A&A...546A..69M
Mlk2012 A&A 546, A69, 2012
Msn1998a Sc j Mason, B.D., Gies, D.R., Hartkopf, W.I., Bagnuolo, Jr., W.G., 1998AJ....115..821M
Msn1998a ten Brummelaar, T.A., & McAlister, H.A.
Msn1998a AJ 115, 821, 1998
MzA2019b orb+- Maiz Apellaniz, J. 2019A&A...630A.119M
MzA2019b +not A&A 630, 119, 2019
idgroup discov author
1 CHR Center for High Ang. Res. Astronomy (speckle interferometry systems)
3 D Dembowski, H.
174 JRN Jorissen, A.
175 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06410+0954 STF 950 AD 2002 6 310 40.8 4.66 9.70 O7Ve N D 064058.66+095344.7
06410+0954 STF 950 AD 2009 7 309 40.0 4.66 9.70 O7Ve N D 064058.66+095344.7
06410+0954 STF 950 AD 2010 8 310 41.2 4.66 9.70 O7Ve N D 064058.66+095344.7
06410+0954 STF 950 AD 2012 10 308 40.7 4.66 9.70 O7Ve N 064058.66+095344.7
06410+0954 STF 950 AD 2013 11 310 40.5 4.66 9.70 O7Ve N 064058.66+095344.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.