WDS 06243+1322 BRT 1201 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BRT1201 C component spectral type A2Va AbH2000
ABH 45 The measures previously listed as BD, BE, BF, and BG appear to have AbH2000
been actually measured from A. All were moved and new matches made.
refcode metd author reference
AbH2000 C u Abt, H.A. & Corbally, C.J. 2000ApJ...541..841A
AbH2000 ApJ 541, 841, 2000
AbH2000 (Multi-epoch astrometry, photometry, and spectroscopy to determine
AbH2000 optical/physical nature of members of possible Trapezium systems)
idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06243+1322 BRT1201 AB 1987 2 235 6.2 10.20 10.86 A3Va+ N 062414.93+132221.0
06243+1322 BRT1201 AB 2000 3 235 6.2 10.20 10.86 A3Va+ NU 062414.93+132221.0
06243+1322 BRT1201 AB 2012 4 235 6.1 10.20 10.86 A3Va+ NU 062414.93+132221.0
06243+1322 BRT1201 AB 2015 6 235 6.2 10.20 10.86 A3Va+ NU 062414.93+132221.0
06243+1322 BRT1201 AB 2019 7 235 6.1 10.20 10.86 A3Va+ NU 062414.93+132221.0

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