WDS 06107+3057 COU 1102 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
COU1102 KLT 2. KELT-2. Primary hosts a transiting hot Jupiter, P=4.11d.
Beatty et al. (2012) determine the primary is a slightly evolved F7
dwarf, the secondary a K2V. Masses are 1.314 +0.063/-0.060 and ~0.78
Msun, radii 1.836 +0.066/-0.046 and ~0.70 Rsun. The orbital period is
estimated at ~3500y. KLT2012
refcode metd author reference
KLT2012 C - Beatty, T.G., Pepper, J., Siverd, R.J., Eastman, J.D., Bieryla, A., Latham, D.W., 2012ApJ...756L..39B
KLT2012 Buchhave, L., Jensen, E., Manner, M., Stassun, K., Gaudi, B., Berlind, P., et al.
KLT2012 ApJ 756, L39, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 COU Couteau, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06107+3057 COU1102 1986 2 331 2.4 8.80 12.60 F7V 061039.33+305725.7
06107+3057 COU1102 2015 5 333 2.4 8.80 12.60 F7V+K2V N 061039.33+305725.7
06107+3057 COU1102 2016 6 332 2.4 8.80 12.60 F7V+K2V N 061039.33+305725.7

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