WDS 05314-0724 TUV 1 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
TUV 1 Primary is an F5V W UMa eclipsing binary, while B is redder and about
1 mag fainter. At the derived distance of 600-800 pc, the physical
separation of A and B would be more than 1000 au. The authors conclude
it is unlikely the stars are bound. Tuv2008
refcode metd author reference
Tuv2008 C j Tuvikene, T., Eenmae, T., Sterken, C., & Brigt, E. 2007BaltA..17...79T
Tuv2008 Baltic Astron. 17, 79, 2008
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05314-0724 TUV 1 AB 2007 2 312 2.1 12.52 13.26 F5V N D 053121.46-072343.8
05314-0724 TUV 1 AB 2015 3 313 2.2 12.52 13.26 F5V N 053121.46-072343.8

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