WDS 05025+4105 MKT 6 (Saclateni) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
MKT 6 zet Aur = Saclateni. The first of the zeta Aurigae-type binaries (K4IB
+ B5V). This object was misidentified as rho Aur by McAlister (1978). McA1978c
Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of HIP1997d
Wright (1970). Wri1970
Bennett et al. (1996) orbit is combined solution, using astrometry MkT1996
from the Mark III interferometer, spectroscopy from HST Goddard High
Resolution Spectrograph, and published photometry to determine masses,
radii, etc. Positions of component stars on theoretical H-R diagram
are compared to current evolutionary models.
Errors to individual measures are given as "error ellipses"; these
values are tabulated below, together with filters used. The columns
include date (BY), major and minor axes of the ellipse (in mas),
ellipse orientation (deg), and filter effective wavelengths (nm):
1989.7857 1.63 0.31 98.1 800,550,450
1989.7994 0.56 0.14 86.9 800,550,450
1989.8213 0.58 0.12 84.5 800,550,450
1989.8240 0.73 0.15 78.6 800,550,450
1989.8350 0.50 0.12 85.3 800,550,450
1989.9281 0.48 0.17 96.1 800,550,450
1989.9363 1.24 0.27 86.1 800,550,450
1990.7029 1.14 0.16 104.0 800,550,500
1990.8124 0.56 0.17 97.5 800,550,500
1990.8179 0.69 0.14 91.7 800,550,500
1991.7488 2.00 0.20 111.9 800,550,500
1991.7871 0.65 0.12 92.4 800,550,500
1991.8364 0.32 0.09 94.1 800,550,500
1991.9048 0.21 0.07 86.4 800,550,500
1992.0855 1.31 0.15 90.4 800,550,500
1992.0965 1.50 0.25 73.5 800,550,500
1992.7700 0.63 0.14 99.5 800,550,500
1992.7946 0.65 0.11 98.5 800,550,500
1992.7974 0.44 0.08 104.2 800,550,500
1992.8932 1.82 0.24 111.3 800,550,500
1992.9206 1.39 0.27 99.0 800,550,500
1992.9452 1.23 0.23 101.9 800,550,500
Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical and spectroscopic masses
8.40 +/- 3.79 and 10.96 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012
refcode metd author reference
HIP1997d orb - Hipparcos 1997yCat.1239....0E
HIP1997d Hipparcos Catalog, ESA SP-1200, 1997
HIP1997d (DMSA/O Orbital Solutions)
McA1978c Sc j McAlister, H.A. 1978PASP...90..288M
McA1978c PASP 90, 288, 1978
MkT1996 Km j Bennett, P.D., Harper, G.M., Brown, A., & Hummel, C.A. 1996ApJ...471..454B
MkT1996 +orb ApJ 471, 454, 1996
Mlk2012 not - Malkov, O.Yu., Tamazian, V.S., Docobo, J.A., & Chulkov, D.A. 2012A&A...546A..69M
Mlk2012 A&A 546, A69, 2012
Wri1970 - Wright, K.O. 1970VA.....12..147W
Wri1970 Vistas Astr. 12, 147, 1970
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05025+4105 MKT 6 1992 22 352 0.0 3.75   K4Ib NO 050228.68+410433.2

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