WDS 05010-1112 A 2629 (HD 32222) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Sca2008c orb - Scardia, M., Prieur, J.-L., Pansecchi, L., & Argyle, R.W. 2008AN....329..379S
Sca2008c AN 329, 379, 2008
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05010-1112 A 2629 1996 17 201 0.1 7.73 8.63 A0 O 050103.00-111229.1
05010-1112 A 2629 2008 18 190 0.1 7.73 8.63 A0 O 050103.00-111229.1
05010-1112 A 2629 2014 19 185 0.2 7.73 8.63 A0 O 050103.00-111229.1
05010-1112 A 2629 2020 20 181 0.2 7.73 8.63 A0 O 050103.00-111229.1

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