WDS 11221+4655 FR 1 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Fr_2022a A j Franson, K., Bowler, B.P., Brandt, T.D., Dupuy, T.J., Tran, Q.H., Brandt, G.M., 2022AJ....163...50F
Fr_2022a Li, Y. & Kraus, A.L.
Fr_2022a AJ 163, 50, 2021
Fr_2023 A+ j Franson, K., Bowler, B.P., Bonavita, M., andt, T.D., Chen, M., Samland, M., Zhang, 2023AJ....165...39F
Fr_2023 +orb Z., Lueber, A., Heng, K., Kitzmann, D., Wolf, T., Jones, B.A., Tran, Q.H., Bardalez
Fr_2023 Gagliuffi, D.C., Biller, B., Chilcote, J., Crepp, J.R., Dupuy, T.J., Faherty, J.,
Fr_2023 Fontanive, C., Groff, T.D., Gratton, R., Guyon, O., Jensen-Clem, R., Jovanovic, N.,
Fr_2023 Kasdin, N.J., Lozi, J., Magnier, E.A., Muzic, K., Sanghi, A. & Theissen, C.A.
Fr_2023 AJ 165, 39, 2023
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
11221+4655 FR 1 2021 5 254 0.7 6.60   K6V K 112205.75+465430.2

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