WDS 04327+2553 JOY 3 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GHE 11 Aa,Ab: Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures
and was in a red filter. Smn1992
JOY 3 AB: A RW Aur-type variable, UZ Tau.
Measure of 1990.77 made by triangulation of multiple measures and was
in a red filter. Smn1992
AB: Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962). Her1962
refcode metd author reference
Her1962 Pa - Herbig, G.H. 1962AdA&A...1...47H
Her1962 Advances Astron. Astrophys. 1, 47, 1962
Her1962 (Exact dates, telescopes, and techniques not given. Default date = decade of
Her1962 publication added.)
Smn1992 Si j Simon, M., Chen, W.P., Howell, R.R., Benson, J.A., & Slowik, D. 1992ApJ...384..212S
Smn1992 +Ci ApJ 384, 212, 1992
Smn1992 +O
idgroup discov author
1 GHE Ghez, A.M., Neugebauer, G., Gorham, P.W., Haniff, C.A., Kulkarni, S.R., Matthews,
1 GHE K., Koresko, C., & Beckwith, S.
14 GHE Ghez, A.M., Duchene, G., Matthews, K., Hornstein, S.D., Tanner, A., Larkin, J.,
14 GHE Morris, M., Becklin, E.E., et al.
15 GHE Ghez, A.M., Salim, S., Hornstein,S.D., Tanner, A., Lu, J.R., Morris, M.,
15 GHE Becklin, E.E., & Duchene, G.
16 GHE Boehle, A., Ghez, A.M., Schodel, R., Meyer, L., Yelda, S., Albers, S.,
16 GHE Martinez, G.D., Becklin, E.E., Do, T., Lu, J.R., Matthews, K., Morris, M., et al.
17 JOY Joy, A.H. & Humason, M.L.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
04327+2553 JOY 3 AB 2002 12 274 3.6 13.00   M3V:e N D 043242.97+255231.7
04327+2553 JOY 3 AB 2009 14 278 3.0 14.80 15.50 M2.0 M3.0 N D 043242.97+255231.7
04327+2553 JOY 3 AB 2012 15 277 3.6 14.80 15.50 M2.0 M3.0 NV 043242.97+255231.7

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