WDS 04194+2826 LEI 11 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Lei1986 Si j Leinert, Ch., Jahreiss, H., & Haas, M. 1986A&A...164L..29L
Lei1986 A&A 164, L29-L31, 1986
Lei1989 Si - Leinert, Ch. & Haas, M. 1989ApJ...342L..39L
Lei1989 ApJ 342, L39-L42, 1989
Lei1990 Si j Leinert, Ch., Haas, M., Allard, F., Wehrse, W., McCarthy, D.W., Jahreiss, H., & 1990A&A...236..399L
Lei1990 Perrier, Ch.
Lei1990 +orb A&A 236, 399, 1990
Lei1991 Si j Leinert, Ch., Haas, M., Richichi, A., Zinnecker, H., & Mundt, R. 1991A&A...250..407L
Lei1991 +O A&A 250, 407, 1991
Lei1993 Si - Leinert, Ch., Zinnecker, H., Weitzel, N., Christou, J., Ridgway, S.T., 1993A&A...278..129L
Lei1993 +Ci Jameson, R., Haas, M., & Lenzen, R.
Lei1993 A&A 278, 129, 1993 (some photometry updated in Woi2001b) 2001A&A...376..982W
Lei1994 Si - Leinert, Ch., Weitzel, N., Richichi, A., Eckart, A., & Tacconi-Garman, L.E. 1994A&A...291L..47L
Lei1994 A&A 291, L47, 1994
Lei1997 Si - Leinert, Ch., Richichi, A., & Haas, M. 1997A&A...318..472L
Lei1997 A&A 318, 472-484, 1997
Lei2000 Hp j Leinert, Ch., Allard, F., Richichi, A., & Hauschildt, P.H. 2000A&A...353..691L
Lei2000 A&A 353, 691, 2000
Lei2001a Si j Leinert, Ch., Jahreiss, H., Woitas, J., Zucker, S., Mazeh, T., Eckart, A., & 2001A&A...367..183L
Lei2001a +Hf Koehler, R.
Lei2001a +A A&A 367, 183-188, 2001
Lei2001a +orb (measures for AB as quoted in Koh2012)
Lei2001b Si j Leinert, Ch., Beck, T.L., Ligori, S., Simon, M., Woitas, J., & Howell, R.R. 2001A&A...369..215L
Lei2001b +Ci A&A 369, 215, 2001
Lei2001b +O
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
04194+2826 LEI 11 1997 2 173 10.3 8.76 12.39 DK 041926.36+282613.6
04194+2826 LEI 11 2002 4 173 10.3 8.80 12.40 DK 041926.36+282613.6
04194+2826 LEI 11 2013 8 172 9.9 8.80 12.40 K 041926.36+282613.6
04194+2826 LEI 11 2015 9 172 10.0 8.80 12.40 K7 K 041926.36+282613.6

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