WDS 04149+4825 STT 73 AD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STT 73 mu Per = 51 Per. A is a Beta Lyrae-type system.
The elements P, T, and e of Alden (1925) were adopted from the Ald1925
spectroscopic orbit of Cannon (Pub. DAO Ottawa 2, 365, 1915).
H 6 20 H VI 20. SHJ 364.
refcode metd author reference
Ald1925 orb - Alden, H.L. 1925AJ.....36...81A
Ald1925 AJ 36, 81, 1925
idgroup discov author
1 STT Struve, O.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
04149+4825 STT 73 AD 1999 2 124 48.8 4.24 12.60 G0II N D 041453.86+482433.5
04149+4825 STT 73 AD 2009 3 123 48.1 4.24 12.60 G0II N D 041453.86+482433.5
04149+4825 STT 73 AD 2013 5 124 48.4 4.24 12.60 G0II N 041453.86+482433.5

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