WDS 06412+0928 JRN 32 DF : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STF 954 Spectrum of B: B9V.
AB: H N 103. MEv2010
HER 15 GH: Primary of 06411+0928 found to be G component of 06412+0928;
systems merged. Additional notes may be found in Herbig (1962). Her1962
refcode metd author reference
Her1962 Pa - Herbig, G.H. 1962AdA&A...1...47H
Her1962 Advances Astron. Astrophys. 1, 47, 1962
Her1962 (Exact dates, telescopes, and techniques not given. Default date = decade of
Her1962 publication added.)
MEv2010 - MacEvoy, B. ...................
MEv2010 private communication, 2010 (see http://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/index.html)
idgroup discov author
1 ARN Arnold, D.
100 JRN Jorissen, A.
101 SLE Soulie, G.
120 SMR Schlimmer, J.
175 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06412+0928 JRN 32 DF 1999 2 338 53.4 9.09 10.80 N 064102.88+092723.5
06412+0928 JRN 32 DF 2000 4 338 53.3 9.09 10.80 N D 064102.88+092723.5
06412+0928 JRN 32 DF 2015 5 338 53.3 9.09 10.80 K1V?... N 064102.88+092723.5

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