WDS 19082+0118 EVS 39 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
EVS 39 Primary is the Cepheid TT Aql. Evs2016a
refcode metd author reference
Evs2016a H3 - Evans, N.R., Bond, H.E., Schaefer, G.H., Mason, B.D., Tingle, E., Karovska, M., & 2016AJ....151..129E
Evs2016a Pillitteri, I.
Evs2016a AJ 151, 129, 2016
Evs2016a (some theta values replaced with more precise values from Evs2016b) 2016AJ....151..108E
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19082+0118 EVS 39 AC 2011 1 77 5.2 7.14 19.22 G0/2Ib NU 190813.75+011755.2

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