WDS 15441+2345 SLN 82 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
SLN Sloan Digital Sky Survey ...................
Sln2009 Es j Abazajian, K.N., Adelman-McCarthy, J.K., Agueros, M.A., Allam, S.S., 2009ApJS..182..543A
Sln2009 Allende Prieto, C., An, D., Anderson, K.S.J., Anderson, S.F., Annis J.,
Sln2009 Bahcall, N.A., Bailer-Jones, C.A.L., Barentine, J.C., et al.
Sln2009 ApJS 182, 543, 2009 (The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 7)
Sln2012 Es - Ahn C.P., Alexandroff R., Allende Prieto C., Anderson S.F., Anderton T., 2012ApJS..203...21A
Sln2012 Andrews B.H., Aubourg E., Bailey S., Balbinot E., Barnes R., Bautista J.,
Sln2012 Beers T.C., et al.
Sln2012 ApJS 203, 21, 2012 (The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 9)
Sln2014 Es - Baxter, R.B., Dobbie, P.D., Parker, Q.A., Casewell, S.L., Lodieu, N., 2014MNRAS.440.3184B
Sln2014 Burleigh, M.R., Lawrie, K.A., Kulebi, B., Koester, D. & Holland, B.R.
Sln2014 MNRAS 440, 3184, 2014
Sln2014 (Paper gives no dates or position angles. Coarse date of 2004.5 assigned to all Es
Sln2014 photometry. Theta derived from coordinates in Table 1.)
Sln2015 Es - Andrews, J.J., Agueros, M.A., Gianninas, A., Kilic, M., Dhital, S. & Anderson, S. 2015ApJ...815...63A
Sln2015 ApJ 815, 63, 2015
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15441+2345 SLN 82 2000 1 9 17.8 18.40 19.60 DA+DC V 154403.12+234458.9
15441+2345 SLN 82 2015 2 3 17.7 18.40 19.60 DA+DC V 154403.12+234458.9
15441+2345 SLN 82 2016 4 3 17.7 18.40 19.60 DA+DC V 154403.12+234458.9

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