WDS 00270+1705 BFR 3 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BFR 3 HD 2292 + 2MASS J00265989+1704463. Baron et al. (2015) estimate
spectral types G5 and M9 +/- 1, distances 42 +28/-14 and 65 +4/-20 pc,
masses 1.05 -1.12 and 0.108-0.118 Msun. BFr2015
refcode metd author reference
BFr2015 C j Baron, Fr., Lafreniere, D., Artigau, E., Doyon, R., Gagne, J., Davison, C.L., 2015ApJ...802...37B
BFr2015 +E2 Malo, L., Robert, J., Nadeau, D., & Reyle, C.
BFr2015 +Es ApJ 802, 37, 2015
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00270+1705 BFR 3 2006 2 138 30.5 8.88 21.82 G5 M9 N R 002658.49+170508.8
00270+1705 BFR 3 2010 3 138 30.1 8.88 21.82 G5+M9 N R 002658.49+170508.8
00270+1705 BFR 3 2015 4 138 30.3 8.88 21.82 G5+M9 N R 002658.49+170508.8
00270+1705 BFR 3 2016 7 138 30.3 8.88 21.82 G5+M9 N R 002658.49+170508.8

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