WDS 12125+2509 LAS 5 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LAS 5 Lasgoity (2014) determines that the two components of the pair in the
region of the Coma Berenice star cluster share common proper motion.
He derives spectral types of K0V and K3V for the two components, and
estimates distance, mass, and radius for both stars. Las2014a
refcode metd author reference
Las2014a E+ j Krawczenko, C.A. 2014OED....12...49L
Las2014a +C El Observador de Estrellas Dobles, Issue #12, 49, 2014
Las2014a +P
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
12125+2509 LAS 5 2005 9 80 139.2 12.61 13.26 K0V K3V NV 121232.53+250842.8
12125+2509 LAS 5 2010 10 80 139.2 12.61 13.26 K0V+K3V NV 121232.53+250842.8
12125+2509 LAS 5 2015 11 80 139.2 12.61 13.26 K0V+K3V NV 121232.53+250842.8

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