WDS 16093-2008 BIL 6 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BIL 6 Biller et al. (2011) derive spectral types for the two components of
M7 +/- 0.5 and M6 +/- 1.0; Teff = 2990 +/- 60 and 2850 +/- 170K.
Assuming an age of 5 Myr, masses are 79 +/- 17 and 55 +/- 25 Mjup. If
the system age is 10 Myr, these increase to 84 +/- 15 and 60 +/- 25
Mjup. Component JHK magnitudes are derived from 2MASS magnitudes,
combined with NIRC2 magnitude differences. Bil2011
refcode metd author reference
Bil2011 Ag j Biller, B.A., Allers, K., Liu, M., Close, L.M., & Dupuy, T. 2011ApJ...730...39B
Bil2011 +E2 ApJ 730, 39, 2011
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16093-2008 BIL 6 2009 1 16 0.1 12.56 13.01 M7 M6 N K 160918.37-200735.2

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