WDS 02399-2429 TOK 205 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
TOK 205 A faint companion near the detection limit is found, our measures are
uncertain. The estimated long period P ~ 100 yr suggests that the
Hipparcosacceleration of 17 mas yr-2 is spurious. Tok2012a
The tentative resolution on 2011.84 at 78deg, 0".34, dK=3.8 is not
confirmed here, with new good-quality images. The star has constant RV
so could be single. Tok2013b
refcode metd author reference
Tok2012a A j Tokovinin, A., Hartnung, M., Hayward, T.L., & Makarov, V.V. 2012AJ....144....7T
Tok2012a AJ 144, 7, 2012
Tok2013b A j Tokovinin, A., Hartung, M., & Hayward, T.L. 2013AJ....146....8T
Tok2013b AJ 146, 8, 2013
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
02399-2429 TOK 205 2011 2 78 0.3 8.56 13.00 G3V 023956.37-242852.0

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