WDS 15448-5105 SPM 32 (HD 140245) : NOTES
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refcode metd author reference
SpM Springbook Middle School
SpM2021 C j Cooper, A., McCudden, P., Surulirajan, R. & Slown, C. N. 2021JDSO...17..170C
SpM2021 JDSO 17, 170, 2021
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15448-5105 SPM 32 2000 7 131 15.0 7.90 11.50 F5V V 154445.64-510436.9
15448-5105 SPM 32 2010 7 131 14.2 7.90 11.50 F5V V 154445.64-510436.9
15448-5105 SPM 32 2015 8 131 15.0 7.90 11.50 F5V V 154445.64-510436.9

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