WDS 05150+0108 GWP 659 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
OL 95 The south following of two faint stars. B__1963b
refcode metd author reference
B__1963b Ma j van den Bos, W.H. 1963AJ.....68..582V
B__1963b AJ 68, 582, 1963
idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
6 OL Olivier, C.P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05150+0108 GWP 659 AC 2000 2 303 50.2 9.70 11.40 NV R 051502.94+010815.4
05150+0108 GWP 659 AC 2010 6 303 50.1 9.70 11.40 NV R 051502.94+010815.4
05150+0108 GWP 659 AC 2015 7 303 50.0 9.79 12.01 G0V NV 051502.94+010815.4

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