WDS 00516+4412 YSC 123 Aa,Ab : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
YR 19 Aa,B: These observations were previously presented in Horch et al Hor2009
(2009, 2010). The data presented here are the result of a reanalysis Hor2010
using a trinary fit to include the close component YR 123Aa,Ab,
although the Aa,Ab component was not always of high enough quality to
include. In the course of reanalyzing these observations, it was also
noticed that the magnitude differences appearing in Horch et al (2011)
for the two filters shown were reversed. The values here correct that
error. Hor2011b
refcode metd author reference
Hor2009 S j Horch, E.P., Veillette, D.R., Baena Galle, R., Shah, S.C., O'Reilly, G.V., & 2009AJ....137.5057H
Hor2009 van Altena, W.F.
Hor2009 AJ 137, 5057, 2009
Hor2010 S j Horch, E.P., Falta, D., Anderson, L.M., DeSousa, M.D., Miniter, C.M., Ahmed, T., & 2010AJ....139..205H
Hor2010 +orb van Altena, W.F.
Hor2010 AJ 139, 205, 2010
Hor2011b S j Horch, E.P., van Altena, W.F., Howell, S.B., Sherry, W.H., & Ciardi, D.R. 2011AJ....141..180H
Hor2011b AJ 141, 180, 2011
idgroup discov author
1 YR Yale-Rochester (from additional DD list - see HOR)
1 YSC Yale-Southern Connecticut (from additional DD list - see HOR)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00516+4412 YSC 123 Aa,Ab 2010 3 292 0.0 8.80 9.40 F0 N D 005135.24+441229.4
00516+4412 YSC 123 Aa,Ab 2014 6 323 0.0 8.80 9.40 F0 N 005135.24+441229.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.