WDS 19221-2931 SHY 753 AB (HD 181544) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SHY 753 HIP 95203 + HIP 95164.
AB + TOK 423Aa,Ab: HIP 95203 is another acceleration binary with
variable RV resolved here. The relatively large separation of 0".77
corresponds to a period of ~180yr. The actual period can be as short
as 60yr if the pair is seen now near its maximum separation (it would
then have been closer at the time of the Hipparcos mission). Most
likely, however, the faint visual companion found here and the
spectroscopic/acceleration pair make a triple system. There is another
companion HIP 95164 at 435". The status of this wide pair (is it a
real binary or just two members of a moving group?) is not clear, but
the association of those stars leaves no doubt (common RV, PM, and
parallax). Tok2015c
refcode metd author reference
Tok2015c orb+j Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Mendez, R.A., & Horch, E.P. 2015AJ....150...50T
Tok2015c +St AJ 150, 50, 2015 (some measures corrected in Tok2017b) 2017AJ....154..110T
idgroup discov author
1 SHY Shaya, E.J. & Olling, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19221-2931 SHY 753 AB 1999 14 227 435.7 7.16 7.16 G0IV+G0IV NV 192203.77-293123.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.