WDS 08468+0625 STF 1273 AB,E : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SP 1 eps Hya = 11 Hya. Variable. Dan1952
The elements for AB are combined visual-spectroscopic. Hei1963c
A secondary radial velocity variation with a period of about 70d
was suspected by Underhill (Pub. DAO Victoria 12, 161, 1963) Fin1970b
See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component. Baz1989d
STF1273 C is SB1, P = 9.905 d.
AB,C triple solution ((AB)-C in HIP). Sod1999
Star D is in slow direct motion, hence quintuple.
refcode metd author reference
Baz1989d - Baize, P. & Petit, M. 1989A&AS...77..497B
Baz1989d A&AS 77, 497, 1989
Dan1952 Mc - Danjon, A. 1952JO.....35...85D
Dan1952 J. Obs. 35, 85, 1952
Fin1970b - Finsen, W.S. & Worley, C.E. 1970ROCi..130..203F
Fin1970b Republic Obs. Circ. 130, 203, 1970 (Third Orbit Catalog)
Hei1963c orb - Heintz, W.D. 1963ZA.....57..159H
Hei1963c ZfAp 57, 159, 1963
Sod1999 orb - Soderhjelm, S. 1999A&A...341..121S
Sod1999 A&A 341, 121, 1999
idgroup discov author
1 SP Schiaparelli, J.V.
14 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08468+0625 STF1273 AB,E 2000 6 1 339.9 3.49 10.78 F8V N D 084646.65+062508.1
08468+0625 STF1273 AB,E 2015 8 2 340.5 3.49 10.78 F8V N 084646.51+062507.7

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