WDS 13021+2859 HLG 3 (HD 113242) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
HlG1970 - Hill, G. & Hutchings, J.B. 1970ApJ...162..265H
HlG1970 ApJ 162, 265, 1970
HlG1971 - Hill, G., Barnes, J.V., Hutchings, J.B., & Pearce, J.A. 1971ApJ...168..443H
HlG1971 ApJ 168, 443, 1971
HlG1976 - Hill, G., Aikman, G., & Cowley, A. 1976ApJ...208..152H
HlG1976 ApJ 208, 152, 1976
HlG1988 - Adamson, A.J., Hilditch, R.W., Hill, G., Fisher, W., & Sinclair, C.D. 1988MNRAS.230..273A
HlG1988 MNRAS 230, 273, 1988
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13021+2859 HLG 3 2000 1 280 3.6 8.90 11.00 F8V 130204.28+285929.6
13021+2859 HLG 3 2014 3 278 4.4 8.90 11.00 F8V 130204.28+285929.6
13021+2859 HLG 3 2015 4 281 4.5 8.90 11.00 F8V 130204.28+285929.6
13021+2859 HLG 3 2016 5 281 4.5 8.90 11.00 F8V 130204.28+285929.6

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