WDS 19024-0536 PLT 4 BD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
PLT 4 A is FG Aql, B is FH Aql. Plt1934
refcode metd author reference
Plt1934 - Plaut, L. 1934BAN.....7..181P
Plt1934 BAN 7, 181, 1934
idgroup discov author
1 DAM Damm, F.
403 SKF Skiff, B.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19024-0536 PLT 4 BD 2010 9 139 22.6 13.10 14.40 K5e+K7e N D 190222.20-053620.4
19024-0536 PLT 4 BD 2015 9 138 22.6 13.10 14.40 K5e+K7e N 190222.20-053620.4

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