WDS 22549-0922 HJ 3152 (TT Aqr) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 3152 A is the irregular variable TT Aqr. Pair not found by Burnham. Bu_1879
refcode metd author reference
Bu_1879 Ma j Burnham, S.W. 1879MmRAS..44..141B
Bu_1879 MemRAS 44, 141, 1879
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22549-0922 HJ 3152 1831 1 135 3.0 8.85 15.00 M5 N 225455.37-092228.4
22549-0922 HJ 3152 2000 2 182 1.5 8.85 15.00 M5 N 225455.37-092228.4

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