00184+4401 GRB 34 AC

00h 18m 22.88s +44° 01' 22.6" P.A. 259.00 sep 285.6 mag 8.31,11.83 Sp M2V dist. 3.59 pc (11.71 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00184+4401 Discov num GRB  34 Comp AC Coord arcsec 2000 00 18 22.88 +44 01 22.6
Date first 1904 Date last 2011 Obs 13
Pa first 113 Pa last 258.8 P.A. Now (θ) 258.8°
Sep first 34.7 Sep last 285.607 Sep. Now (ρ) 285.607"
Mag pri 8.31 Mag sec 11.83 delta mag (ΔM) 3.52 Spectral class M2V (red)
Pri motion ra +289 Sec motion ra -003
Pri motion dec +042 Sec motion dec -002
Notes N L P (See Notes, Linear solution, 100-year proper motion)
This double is not physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show GX And 36248 00 18 23 +44 01 23 GRB 34 AB 2019 143 66 34.1 8.31 11.36 3.05 Y
Show 36248 00 18 23 +44 01 23 GRB 34 AC 2011 13 259 285.6 8.31 11.83 3.52 <===
Show 36248 00 18 23 +44 01 23 TNN 1 AD 2004 1 158 6.4 8.31
Show 00 18 26 +44 01 38 TNN 1 BE 2004 1 66 7.5 8.31
Show 00 18 26 +44 01 38 TNN 1 BF 2004 1 70 11.9 8.31
Sextuple system
6 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Var name GX And Constellation Andromeda SAO 36248 HIP 1475
Tycho2 2794-00157-1 HD 1326 GL Gl 15A BD BD+43 44
Distance 3.59 Distance ly 11.71